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A signal man on theA different model ofThe Shinkansen bullet trains are an icon of modern Japan. Although now such trains can be seen in many parts of the world, few rival Japan for their efficiency and promptness. The Shinkansen trains have been running in Japan for over 35 years and, as can be seen from the route map above, cover the majority of the islands. (the current exception is the Hokkaido region, Japan's northernmost island) While the first trains ran at 200 km/h (125 mph), the new models (along with improved tracks) have increased this to 320 km/h (200 mph). Shinkansen run primarily on standard railway tracks, but benefit from mounting the rails on concrete sleepers: to avoid conflicts with conventional trains, many of the main lines use dedicated tracks. On board the trains are a study in comfort. The seats are stuffed, resembling airline seats. The seats swivel to face the proper direction when the train begins its journey in the opposite direction. Box lunches (usually rice and fish or sushi) are available, as well as snacks and beverages. And the trains run precisely on time, usually literally to the second. Passengers have exactly five minutes to A sleek new ShinkansenThe doors stay open forclear their luggage and themselves; the Shinkansen, like time, waits for no man. Three types of trains operate on the Shinkansen routes. The Nozomi are the fastest and most modern trains. They are distinguished by the 15 meter-long power car nose, lending an aerodynamic profile. The photo at the bottom left shows an Nozomi pulling into the terminal. Extensive soundproofing ensures that there is little noise or sensation of movement inside the train. The Shinkansen is an expensive proposition, as fully one-third of the revenue goes back into maintenance and railway expansion. Major experiments are also currently being conducted using magnetic levitation technology (the sort used on monorails); propelled by linear motors, this technology offers the hope of even greater speeds and less vibration. The video below shows the Shinkansen express rolling through the station.


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